Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cloth Diaper Comedy!

So, I just happened across this blog post at about midnight last night as my husband was **SIIIGHING** at me reading diaper posts on my phone before bed.  I was in tears laughing so hard!  Have a good chuckle!

This is a blog post by Amber from "Parenting, Illustrated with crappy pictures"


Cloth diapers are diapers made of cloth. You put them on a baby and the baby poops and pees on them. And then you wash them. And then you put them back on the baby. And then the baby poops and pees on them. And then you wash them again. And then you keep doing this. 
Over the five years that I've kept doing this, I've come to know the good things and the crappy things. 
And this is what they are...
The Good Things About Cloth Diapers
Now you might think I'm about to get on my grass-fed, sustainably raised, antibiotic-free high horse about environmental stuff but I don't really like riding horses. Especially high ones. 
Nah. Let's be real here.
I cloth diaper because they look cool and come in pretty colors.
I can't even tell you how excited I am when the mail carrier brings me a box of colorful diapers.
They are pretty! And soft! And come in fruity colors and patterns!
And my baby will poop on them and be so happy!
Read the Rest Here You'll laugh, promise!
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1 comment:

  1. I came across her blog last week and had to read every single archived thing she did. Soooo funny!
