So, I've been at a loss, what to say. I've also been so busy I don't even know where to start. Working I have so little time with my baby I just want to spend my time at home with him. But anyways...diapers.
Oh how I love my cloth...or...?
So lately, I've been wondering. Why do more people not use cloth, are disposables that much more convenient, better, easy? Am I wasting my time on cloth diapers?
I recently took the Amtrak out to visit my girlfriend..who just had a little girl on 10/3. Mason and I traveled out there alone. I was packing my cloth diapers...then I realized, I was going to have to bring back dirty diapers on the train...and now since we have started solids, the poops are bigger and stinkier... I made the decision to just buy a small pack of disposables to use on our trip. We left Thursday morning and returned late Sunday night.
I brought with 1 cloth diaper cover, just for fun. OMG I am so glad I did. We had blow out after blow out after blow out. I brought 4 sleepers and 6 outfits and I had to wash clothes there because of all the leaks! ICK! I am so thankful I brought that cover, I used it over the disposables to keep leaks in. I even bought the most expensive disposable diapers...the brand name...the "good ones".
By the end of the weekend, I was so happy to return to my cloth! I wish people could realize that the life of icky disposables doesn't have to be! I happily handed off my left over disposables to daycare to use...
Never again will I question my cloth. Never again will I travel without my cloth!
I also tried out the classic rock cloth diaper detergent by Rock n' Green with the baby powder scent. I have to say it worked very well. The "de-funking" that she recommended on the card that comes with your detergent works great! I did not notice any scent to my diapers...which is good, but they also didn't smell like baby powder...and I wasn't sure if I wanted them too. The Rock n' Green was sensitive to my little guy's skin...he had no reaction to it.
I did not notice better least compared to my Purex free and clear... All in all it is a great soap, but I don't know if I am sold on it. To me I am happy with my Purex, it is easier to get and I don't have to pay for shipping. If I could buy the Rock n' Green at a local store, it would be a difficult choice for me which to buy.
Rock N' Green, I do have to say has GREAT customer service. Willing to answer questions quickly.
In the end...great product...I am curious how the diaper pail deodorizers would work.