Meet Andrea & her husband Scott! She is a first time, cloth diapering mom and is letting us share her experience through the SoftBums Blog on cloth diapering twins. We look forward to hearing more about their journey (and of course!) meeting these little guys soon!

We are finally getting close to meeting our little guys. We are at 31 weeks now, and my next focus besides the other 100 things on my to-do list is to get our diaper stash ready. Here is a shot of what we have so far.

We definitely have a good start, but with twins there is so much to think about! After doing a few months of research we are really excited to try SoftBums because they are truly a one size only diaper. When we first started thinking about cloth, the cost seemed daunting because of the newborn, size one, size two fits that you had a choice to buy. Starting them in one diaper and ending in the same diaper seems like a great system! Right now we have 2 snap Echo and 2 Velcro closures. I curious to see which we think will work better with our babies.
The wipes are so incredibly soft! A tip I received from another SoftBums twin mom is that they can be used in the front for extra absorbency when they are little, especially for boys. We do have a wipe warmer for the changing table. We are thinking we will try to make our own wipe solution or use simply water for these.

The H-Pods will be perfect for the first few changes in the Meconium stage and when we have inexperienced (with cloth) babysitters over to watch them while we are out. Or when we think it might just be easier to carry less around (like maybe a trip to the state fair).
We have quite a few things on our list of wants. For starters the Omni Fox print, it is adorable! They each need their own diaper with that print. We also want to have a mix of Omni’s to send to daycare for them. The wipes are so soft that we will be purchasing more of these. My husband liked them so much he said, “I wish I could use these for myself!”- ha.
We have quite a few things on our list of wants. For starters the Omni Fox print, it is adorable! They each need their own diaper with that print. We also want to have a mix of Omni’s to send to daycare for them. The wipes are so soft that we will be purchasing more of these. My husband liked them so much he said, “I wish I could use these for myself!”- ha.