Saturday, May 26, 2012


Hi, Friends. I am headed for surgery! It's going to be a long hard journey...

My name is Teague. Some of you haven't met me yet, but I am as sweet as I look, I promise!  My right arm is lying down in this picture because I sustained a severe brachial plexus injury during delivery. It was not a great way to enter the world, but I am glad I'm here! Now that I'm a little older and have been through a few months of physical therapy, it's evident to the doctors that I need specialized nerve graft surgery to recover even partial function of my arm. Now, this sounds scary to mom, but she wants me to be able to have the best chance possible to do normal things growing up, like play catch with my daddy and go fishing with my grandpapa. (She also wants me to be able to do little things that some people might take for granted -- like doing the motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider, clapping my hands, opening a jar of peanut butter, tying my own shoes, buttoning a shirt, and learning to drive stick shift like my big brother someday.) The surgery is going to hard on me, and I hear it's pretty expensive. Hopefully, I only need one surgery, but we have to wait and see. Sometimes other kids with this injury have to have several follow up surgeries in their first years of life because the extent of the injury ends up affecting the bones, tendons / ligaments, and muscles as well as the nerves. If you want to learn more about me or this little known (but increasingly reported) injury, keep reading through the tabs at the top of the page. I'm learning that lots of people want to help me, so this site is being put together as a way to allow that to happen. Man, it's good to be loved!
Until kids like me can reach out with both arms, will you Reach Out for us? Learn how you can help!

You can contribute to Teague's immediate and long term care medical fund.

Secure donations can be processed through PayPal. If you have a PayPal account, you can use your PayPal funds or bank transfer. But, you don't even need a PayPal account to donate. You can even use your credit or debit card to contribute without registering as a member of PayPal. All funds donated will be set aside in a special account solely for Teague's benefit to put toward specialized medical care, including surgeries and various types of ongoing therapies, in hopes of gaining as much arm function as possible. If you prefer to send in a contribution directly through the postal service, use the contact form from the home page of this web site to request the mailing address and any related instructions. Any amount will help. We are ever grateful.
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