Friday, November 29, 2013

December Calendar Bums is HERE!!

Introducing the Decemer Calendar Bums...

Getting To Gnome You!

You can purchase this shell individually HERE or in our NEW Holiday Bundle!

Holiday Bundle Includes:

1 Getting to Gnome You Omni w/Velcro
1 Sprout Omni w/Velcro
1 One-Size DryTouch SUPER Pod ...
1 One-Size Bamboo SUPER Pod

As always these are a limited edition print and will sell out. Get yours now!

OTB Shot:
Baby Connor is loving Getting to Gnome You! 

Do you LOVE Getting to GNOME You? Want to WIN ONE? 

We will select a winner in one week. Contest Closes Friday Dec 6th at 12pm CST. 
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  1. We spend Christmas just at home with us and invite people the week before for mini dinners.

  2. It has never been a big problem. One time we did Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Hubby's.

  3. We schedule time for the in-laws in the morning, and my family in the afternoon. Works out, but we end up pretty stuffed by the end of the night :)

  4. We currently live across the country from any family.. Makes it pretty easy!

  5. We try space them out over Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the weekends in between

  6. we alternate years as there is 2000 miles between our families.

  7. We have one party with all of the people we love at our home.

  8. Do our own thing and not worry about multiple family chaos ;)

  9. we spend it at my moms

  10. We don't deal with many parties so its really not a problem

  11. Both our families live less than 45 minutes apart, so we divide Christmas Eve day with both families, and celebrate Christmas day at home, just us :)

  12. Everyone will be coming here this year since our baby is little!

  13. We celebrate Christmas on different days for each family. :)

  14. We take days off and go to both families.

  15. It works out well..lots of travelling to get to the various family celebrations but worth it!

  16. Our family always has to make compromises during the Holiday season, and sometimes it's hard to fit a visit in with everybody that we'd like to see. However, we've managed to develop a "schedule" of sorts that allows us to accommodate the majority of our family members, without stretching us too thin in the process. Usually we have a "pre" Holiday get together that takes place a day or two before the Holiday itself reserved for one side of our family, and then on the day of the Holiday, we see the other side of the family. So far it's working out well, and nobody feels left out or under appreciated!

  17. We live 1,000 miles away from our nearest family, so we don't have to worry about it. :)

  18. We try to either have the holidays at our place or just switch off with whre we go every holiday!

  19. we spend most of the evening at my MILs and then race over to my family's as soon as we're done. we usually just miss dinner which is good!

  20. Some how it always works out, Christmas eve with one side and xmas day with the other side

  21. We alternate between holidays. So, we'll do Thanksgiving with my family on Thanksgiving Day and celebrate Christmas on Christmas day with my husband's family.

  22. we stay home and let other people come to us.

  23. we alternate every year and everything just seems to work out somehow,

  24. Our parents live around the corner from each other so we visit both Christmas day :) We do Christmas with my moms side of the family Boxing Day as well.

  25. We go to both families, it's a little crazy but we love it!

  26. christmas eve with his fam christmas day with mine :)

  27. our family coordinates so noone overlaps :)

  28. Oh my goodness! I have to have one of these, or better yet a few. So cute!

  29. We invite everyone to our house and it works out great.

  30. We alternate each year which family we go see and on the third year we host both families at our house :)

  31. My in-laws are my only family in this country, but since my husband's brother now has his own home and family, we're finding our way. We're doing Christmas Eve dinner at the in-laws, Christmas morning at home, and Christmas dinner at my BIL's house.

  32. thank you. We do my husbands family on christmas eve's eve, my family christmas eve, and then stay home for christmas

  33. Our families live in opposite parts of the country so we alternate every year.

  34. All of our family lives in the same town, so it makes it SOO easy!

  35. We just stay home and do our own -visit the family (ies) on other days!

  36. We live across country from my family so we usually spend holidays with my in-laws.

  37. We split the trip in half. One family one half and the other the next half. That's the only way for us to make it work : )

  38. My family lives 1500 miles away so most of the time it is the in laws!

  39. My family never celebrates Thanksgiving on the actual day, my husband's family only celebrates that day. At Christmas, my family starts at 7, and my husband's doesn't start until 10. Thankfully they live only 15 minutes apart, so we got lucky. Otherwise, we'd probably have switched off which side got to see us on time each holiday, and who we'd visit later in the day.

  40. By having a baby and bringing all the sides of the family together for one big party! :)

  41. its tough.. we usually go to my DH's family stuff b/c they live further away. We see my parents regularly.

  42. Just go to as many family events as you can.

  43. We do my In laws the day of and my family the weekend after :)

  44. We live far away from my in-laws so we just visit when we can afford. If we all lived in the same place, I'd probably just pick one function for each side of the family and keep everybody happy.


  45. thankfully, our family is close by, so we don't have too many issues. As far as gifts go, we keep it simple and hand out home made gifts

  46. We only see my family at holidays because DH doesn't get along with his family.

  47. Our families live close by so it isn't really a problem. We usually go to my inlaws first, then my parents & even just have everyone join us at our place.

  48. We celebrate with different families on different days!

  49. We spend Thanksgiving with one family and Christmas with the other

  50. I gave up years ago when we lived over 1,000 miles away.

  51. we won't have that problem as everyone is coming together!

  52. We have 10 kids and our closest family is over 2 1/2 hours away. We stay home.

  53. Our families are far apart--one in Europe, on here. So we switch off years.

  54. Our family is great about this, One set of parents does their dinner a few days before, and then one on the day, then the last on the day after. So three thanksgiving dinners on three different nights, but we get a all this time to spend with each part of our family it is wonderful.

  55. Christmas Eve With One Side, Christmas Day With The Other

  56. We usually have it spread out over 4 or 5 days

  57. We invite them all to come be with us!

  58. I dont have that problem. My husband dosent speak to his family so its always with my family.

  59. we switch who we see each year. for that holiday

  60. I don't over indulge at any of them and its fine. Its kinda like having leftovers, same food, different place.

  61. We celebrate Christmas on separate days with each of our families, and then on the actual Christmas, we stay home with our own little family.

  62. We can only afford tickets to visit DH's family every couple years and now that my mom winters in FL, we can do whatever we like on the holidays, lol.

  63. Family is far from us, we see them when we can...We'll stay home for christmas!

  64. We solve it via Skype. We live halfway across the country from our families, so we Skype them. :)

  65. This thanksgiving was our first holiday together and we have learned a lot of what NOT to do... trying to do two thanksgiving meals in two states in one day is just not worth the stress!

  66. We split the days up. We go to my husband's family early in the day and mine later in the day. Christmas Eve is with my family and part of Christmas Day is with his.

  67. Our families are usually really great about timing events so we can make it to both sides :)

  68. Still trying to find something that works for us! My extended family has always done a huge get together the Saturday before Christmas. Usually we travel a lot on Christmas day, but I am trying to find a new system now that we have children

  69. Thanksgiving is always with my family. My ex has his Thanksgiving the weekend before.

  70. Would love to try.

  71. Usually do Christmas Eve at one house and Christmas day at the other, seems to work well!
    jbang0331 at yahoo dot con

  72. I usually have more trouble balancing it, but I'm about 7 months pregnant this year so I get more of a pass.

  73. We are 3000 miles from home stationed in Washington (we're from FL) with the Army so it's not really an issue. We skype when we can, as well as a good old fashioned phone call!

  74. Usually it isn't a problem, but often we do thanksgiving with Hubby's family and Christmas eve with mine. Christmas day is reserved for our family only.

  75. I moved my significant other 1500 miles away from his family to be near mine and we don't have to share holidays at all :)

  76. We just celebrated with family in town- we have a young baby so we'll probably travel next year for the holidays!

  77. We split our day between the two sides of family, 50//50.

  78. We do not really have that problem half of the family lives pretty far away but they are always invited to join!!

  79. Most of our parties have been spaced out, but if we have multiple in one day we set a time limit and if we can't show up we send hostess gifts.

  80. I really don't have this problem. My family is so spread out that we never get together. But when we were younger we used to do a year here, a year there than a year at home and just alternated.

  81. We eat our own immediate family dinners the night before the holiday, then extended family dinner on the day of :)

  82. We usually do lunch with one and dinner with the other.

  83. My husband's family lives across the country, so we always celebrate with my family!

  84. My family isn't in the usa so no problems here

  85. One day with one side, and the next with the other side. We're lucky that our families only live 10 minutes apart!

  86. Prior to baby we used to run ourselves ragged and go 4+ places in one day. Now we're reserved Christmas Day just for our family of 3, and then seeing the other million people on different days spread out at the end of December.

  87. We drive-a lot! We split Xmas between 3 parents.

  88. Every year is a little different and we have learned to just go with the flow.

  89. We normally try to hit all the parties for part of it. This year being pregnant with #2 I am starting to feel like its time to cut back though.

  90. really want some cute Christmas CDs!

  91. We go to one in-laws for lunch and the other for dinner!! We're always stuffed at the end of the day!

  92. We do one Christmas Eve & one Christmas day!

  93. Both my husband's family and my own have known each other for years so we all just get together. It's great fun to spend the holidays with all of our families together!

  94. Timing so everyone gets a visit.

  95. Luckily, we don't have that problem. We live in Maui, my parents live in Canada, and hubby's family lives in Florida. There is NO WAY we could do multi holidays, so we choose one each year, and alternate.

  96. My husband comes from a split family, which has potential to make it even more crazy! But my family has celebrated Christmas over the New Year for almost 10 years now, and it works really well! We rarely have interference from other family gatherings!

  97. My husband isn't Christian and his family celebrates their Holidays on other days. It works out fantastic and there isn't ever any competition from the families for our company, plus we have celebrations all year round!!

  98. We suck it up and make time for them all. We may not be able to spend as much time at each event as we'd like. But we do see everyone!

  99. We've decided to host all holidays here at our house, potluck style. All I have to do is clean and make one dish. Everyone else brings all the yumminess to us! This way we aren't trying to figure out which place we need to be at what time. Everyone just comes here!

  100. We stay home on Christmas day and are time by dinner time in Christmas eve. As a kid I hated not being able to spend our holidays at home so my kids get to stay home. We celebrate with grandparents the weekend before or after the holiday and they are welcome at our time the day of.

  101. We all meet out for Chinese food on Christmas Day. It's easy for everyone, no one has to clean or prepare meals, and it's very low key. Aside from that, luckily, none of our holiday gatherings overlap.

  102. My husband’s family and mine are a couple states away from each other, so we take turns every other year for major holidays.

  103. not a problem yet, but we'll probably have both families all together before long

  104. Not well, we are typically running from house to house.

  105. We go see every one on Christmas Eve then I have a dinner on Christmas Day.

  106. We used to split the days between Christmas Eve and Christmas we just focus on our son...:)

  107. We don't live near any of our family and due to our jobs we can't travel during the holidays. That pretty much entails no one's feelings get hurt.

  108. We rotate, for example this Thanksgiving we spent with my in-laws, next will be with my side.... We celebrated Thanksgiving with my side of the family the day after Thanksgiving... That way each family gets adequate time and we are not spending the day rushing from one place to the next :)

  109. We're military so we are away from home. So we spend holidays with friends or with just us.

  110. No family parties... family lives in minnesota.

  111. We try to see everyone in one day.

  112. My husband and I decided that each year for Christmas we are only going to TWO family gatherings. Period. One for my side, one for his side. We try to alternate them year by year so we see different sides of our families. :)

  113. Usually we end up going to both. It's been years since we've had more than 2 holiday meals to go to.

  114. Easy for us! Our families live far away, so its my inlaws for thanksgiving and my family for christmas!

  115. It is about a 15 hour drive for us to visit family on Christmas, but everyone lives close up there so we just separate our time in between each party. Our parent's usually do Christmas with us around the schedule of everything else so our kids get quality time with each grandparent.

  116. We divide up our time btwn both families!

  117. Christmas is always with my family and New year with my in laws

  118. Since we are the only ones with kids right now, Christmas day is at our house. Family close by joins, and we try to see far away family before Christmas.

  119. Our solution changes every year because DH works 24hour shifts, and when we do what just depends on his schedule. My family we alternate their coming to our house and us going to their house depending when hubby is off work. His Family has to be complicated and have two celebrations one just "family" which is his parents, us and brother and his Aunt, then another Christmas with all those people plus another aunt and cousins.

  120. OH my goodness!! So much cuteness!! I need this diaper.

  121. My in-laws don't celebrate Christmas, so we never have to worry about that! Oh how I would LOVE to have some of these! I want to use cloth diapers so bad, this would be a wonderful start!

  122. Our respective parents live in Reno and Minneapolis and we have family in Boston and Des we rotate holidays among the cities and our place.

  123. We try to limit the number of parties we attend. We'll do a friends annual party the week before Christmas, we spend Christmas morning at our house, then Christmas afternoon/evening at my parent's, and then we'll travel to the in-laws for a few days afterwards. Seems to work out well.

  124. We have a pretty good system worked out. Christmas eve and Christmas morning at my folks place then we head to his folks for Christmas afternoon and boxing day. But we having our first baby on the way (Feb 2014) so next Christmas might be different ;)

  125. Host it at my house and invite everyone!

  126. We have family in two different states. So we do every other year

  127. We live far from family, and choose to stay home during the holidays and travel during summer when the weather is nice.

  128. We go to my moms house first, then over to my husbands moms house, then to my aunts for Christmas dinner. This year we will be staying home and having family visit us tho because im due with a baby girl December 23rd :)

  129. We live far enough away from family, which is really hard around the holidays. The upside is that we don't have to worry about who to visit; they can choose to visit us.

  130. We do Christmas Eve at our house with my in-laws, Christmas Day at my parents' house and spend the next day with close friends at their house! Busy few days!

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