The flats diaper challenge is a 5 day "hand-washing" challenge, where moms from all over take the plunge (no pun intended) to raise awareness that not only can cloth diapers be extremely affordable, but that you don't even need a washing machine or dryer to do it!!
Moms from all walks of life can cloth diaper their babies.
The challenge is started with nothing more than a couple of diaper covers (shells), a snappi (optional) and a day or two worth of flat diapers (diaper flats, receiving blankets, old t-shirts, flour sack towels).
You "hand-wash" your flats and shells in a sink, basin or bucket, using tools like a washing plunger or even your hands (we recommend using latex gloves).
When I first started cloth diapering almost 3 years ago with the arrival of my third daughter, we started with flats and covers.
We’ve moved on to try other things since then, but I have never forgotten the low price, ease of cleaning and awesome absorbency of our beloved flats!
For the 2015 challenge, ready with a brand new 2 month old, I have pulled them back out again to try in my all-time favorite fitting cover (you guessed it, Softbums)!
You guys, I am LOVING IT!
Look how trim this stuffed Omni and Ai2 Echo are with a flat inside!

Check out my video about how simple it is to lay a flat diaper in your shell:
If you too are using flats with your Softbums or are participating in this year’s challenge, or even if you just want to try something like flats out for a day, share with us, we want to see!
Also, check out these links for tips on hand washing )
folding your flats ( ) and why Kim was first inspired to start this challenge on her blog Dirty Diaper laundry.
Happy diapering!
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