Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Peanut Allergies

Food Allergy Resources

How to Read a Label for Peanut Allergy

October 2009ShareThis

Peanut Allergy Avoidance List
Hidden ingredient names for peanut protein

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Did you know?

Effective January 1, 2006, foods covered by the FDA labeling laws that contain peanut must be labeled in plain English to declare that it “contains peanut.” However, there are many foods and products that are not covered by FDA allergen labeling laws, so it is still important to know how to read a label for peanut ingredients.

Products exempt from plain English labeling rules: foods that are not regulated by the FDA, cosmetics and personal care products, prescription and over‐the‐counter medications, pet food, toys and crafts.

*The FDA has exempted highly refined peanut oil from being labeled as an allergen.

The following ingredients found on a label indicate the presence of peanut protein. All labels should be read carefully before consuming a product, even if it has been used safely in the past.

Contain Peanut:

Arachic oil
Arachis hypogaea
Artificial nuts
Beer nuts
Boiled peanuts
Cold pressed, extruded, or expelled peanut oil 
Crushed nuts, crushed peanuts
Dry roasted peanuts
Earth nuts
Goober peas
Ground nuts, ground peanuts
Hydrolyzed peanut protein 
Hypogaeic acid
Mixed nuts
Monkey nuts
Nu nuts flavored nuts
Nut pieces
Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut butter chips, peanut butter morsels 
Peanut flour
Peanut paste
Peanuts sauce, peanut syrup
Spanish peanuts
Virginia peanuts

May Contain Peanuts:

Artificial flavoring
Baked goods
Crumb toppings
Ethnic foods: African, Asian, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Mexican
Fried foods
Graham cracker crust
Hydrolyzed plant protein
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
Mole sauce
Natural flavoring

May Not Be Safe:

Lupine is a legume that cross-reacts with peanut at a high rate and should be avoided by peanut allergic patients. It does not fall under the labeling requirements of FALCPA. Lupine is also known as lupinus albus and can be found in seed or flour form.

Some allergy experts advise those allergic to peanuts to avoid all tree nuts. Ask your allergist what is best for your child. 

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  1. What category do the soap nuts/eco nuts (for doing laundry, etc) fall under? I've seen them described as more of a fruit, but then I've also seen warnings for people with sensitivities to tree nuts to test it first... I'm curious to try the soap nuts, but terrified of sparking an allergic reaction! Experience tells me to stay far, far away, but if they're not actually a nut at all then I may be missing out for nothing.

  2. Thanks for sharing this kind of information. It will be a good guide for a person who can't eat something like peanut, like me. I hate that eating or consuming peanuts is now bad for me.
